Natural Wellness,  Peaceful Living

The True Foundation To Wellness & Vitality


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After 17 enriching years in the field of nursing, I’ve gained a unique perspective on life, love, and wellness. Today, I’m so grateful to be sharing my insights and experiences with you, and more importantly, introduce you to an outside the box way to revolutionize the way you approach your well-being.

With so much focus on treating illness in the medical world today, there is a huge gap in foundational wellness and preventative care of the whole person. What I have found through my experience is that the large majority of the population is never taught how to properly build this foundation (myself included). We often aren’t prompted to until we are faced with illness, exhaustion or some form of our mind or body failing us. But what if we could get ahead of the game and teach everyone we know how to flip this script?

This question plagued me for years. I wouldn’t find the answer, though, until I reached a point of totally burning myself out physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. It was from this place of rebuilding that I found what I believe to be absolutely foundational to wellness in both the short and the long term.

In this post you can expect to learn: 

  • The ingredients for a holistically well lifestyle rooted in foundational wellness
  • The connection between your current state of health, how well you feel day to day and the relationship you hold with yourself and everyone else around you
  • The key to living a life that is not exhausting, draining or hard to keep up with but rather, by your own design – and what this means for your health today and in the future.

The Pattern:

Let me first explain what I saw as a nurse was a distinct pattern. 

Throughout my nearly 2 decades in nursing I have seen SO much illness, the majority of it chronic in nature. This means, that most of the illness I saw every single day – over the course of 17 years were illnesses that took a lot of time to develop. This is super important to understand. Chronic illness develops over a long period of time and has everything to do with how we live our lives day to day

There is Much More To Your Health & Wellbeing Than You Have Been Taught

What makes up your life? What it is that’s keeping you well, feeling whole and satisfied with where life has brought you up until this point?

We are taught to take care of our physical body to maintain our physical wellness. And while this is VERY true, and caring directly for your physical body is incredibly important, given the rate of chronic illness in the Western world AND the given rate of any one humans ability to maintain consistent with lifestyle changes in order to foster good health, there is so much more to the overall picture than just this.

I teach all that is missing from what we have been taught makes us well in a step by step process here.

The Foundational Ingredients To Wellness:

1. Your Belief Systems:

When you’re living with beliefs that limit you in any way, shape or form, you’re not living within your fullest range of potential. 

This can lead to any level of dissatisfaction with life. What I’ve witnessed in hundreds and hundreds of patients is that dissatisfaction in life leads to chronic unhappiness and stress AND STRESS alone is one of the TOP causes of inflammatory disease processes. Inflammatory disease is the #1 cause of chronic illness (such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure). It’s chronic illness that keeps our hospital beds full. Connecting with your mind and tuning into your own belief systems couldn’t be more relevant to your health and wellbeing.

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2. Self-Confidence, Self-Respect, Self Love and Inward Connection:

What does self-love, self-confidence and self respect have to do with health, vitality and longevity?

Everything. The way you feel about yourself directly impacts your mental, emotional, spiritual and physical wellbeing. Self-hatred, unworthiness, self-sabatoge, living in a state of exhaustion, dissatisfaction and even mediocracy are all cause for a direct negative impact the one relationship that has MOST to do with your health outcomes: the one you hold with yourself. Learning to connect inwardly could not be more relevant. For me, a consistent practice of inward connection has led me to establish, build and nourish a relationship with myself that has been simply transformational to my wellbeing. 

3. Clarified & Appropriate Boundary Setting

Clarifying exactly where you need to begin setting boundaries so that you don’t find yourself living in a state of exhaustion or over-extension of yourself and instead you’re living from a place that is balanced, much more peaceful and fun to be inside of.

I set boundaries around the WRONG things for way too many years. It was totally exhausting to say the least. Being stuck in this trap not only feels terrible, it brings us back to the chronic stress. Exhaustion of any kind when it’s felt frequently causes stress on our body systems. Our hormones go haywire, pumping out so much excess that over time, it over taxes your organs. Once your organs are stressed out, they become inflamed… and like you just learned about inflammation – this is never a good thing when it comes to your health. Knowing where to set your boundaries and how to keep your stress at bay is KEY to foundational wellness.

I teach this process in my detailed, interactive e-book, here.

4. A Supported Mind

Supportive mindset habits to keep yourself feeling balanced and aligned to a life that feels like the peace & freedom you’ve learned to start living inside of.

None of this would be complete without showing you where to go from here and how to support all of the new strategies you’ve learned to start living a life that is rooted in transformational, foundational wellness.  

After seeing so clearly what was missing from the lives of my patients, my stressed out co-workers and my exhausted self, I knew what I needed to do to get to the other side of this.

Focusing on What Truly Matters: 

What I saw as a nurse caring for hundreds, maybe thousands (it’s quite hard to measure) of patients was this: 

Our busy disconnected lives are killing us.

Once we are sick enough to be potentially facing death, as I saw daily for years as a hospice nurse, the busy that consumed our lives doesn’t matter.

Its your relationships, how well you lived, how hard you loved and ultimately, your sense of grounded peace in the connection you hold with your self and your spiritual nature.

You matter. How you feel about yourself matters. How you live each day and how you feel as you live through each day matters. 

Putting in the effort towards all of this is so often put off but it couldn’t be more pressing to begin now.

It’s all one big cumulative effect. 

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The Roadmap:

You are more in control of this cumulative effect than you may realize. Looking back now at when I was living my life day to day feeling completely and totally exhausted what I can see clearly is a woman who was trying her best but what totally disconnected from herself.

So many of us are walking around this way and it’s no fault of our own. I didn’t see or really give too much attention to the importance of developing a relationship with myself because I was too busy keeping up with the demands of each day, all focused outside of myself. 

I also had no idea the significance it had towards being truly well; but, what I can say today from this vantage point is that it’s been from this place of inward connection that I have found all the things that keep me on the path to wellness, naturally. 

This is significant. What keeps you well is different from what keeps me well – there is no one on the planet who can really know and understand the intricacies of what make you, you like you can. Not your life partner, not your children, not your best friend, not your mother, not even your doctor. It’s you.

True, Foundational Wellness Starts From Within

This is the first step towards building a life that you feel good about; and when you feel good mentally, so does the rest of your body…it’s the law of how your interconnected being works.

Without this first step, the mark is so easily and so often missed, it’s over shot, it’s perceived as being somewhere entirely different than what I am suggesting, right here.

This interactive e-book has been designed as a roadmap to bringing you back to YOU and in turn allow you to live a life that is full of peace, balance, vitality and rooted in wellness. 

From my perspective, without this foundational step we will never be able to get it right.

Your Journey Starts Here

I invite you to embark on this journey with me. Let “The Path To Finding Peace, Purpose & Inner Connection” be your guide to a life of transformational, foundational wellness. Your well-being matters, and the power to shape it is within your hands.

I can’t wait for you to read and embrace the words inside.

To start your transformative journey, click here.

Here’s to your health and inner connection!